Our Companies

Cyrus Life

When individuals and families are faced with settling the estate of a deceased family member or spouse, it can be a daunting task, particularly in the face of grief. As a funeral home owner, you are in a unique position to aid individuals in their time of need and Cyrus Life Planning is here help you make an even greater impact.

By partnering with Cyrus Life Planning, you gain access to our extensive network of pre-screened service providers to help us (and by proxy, you) provide your clients with best-in-class services and ensure all end-of-life affairs are addressed in a holistic manner through:


  • Estate planning
  • Decedent affairs management
  • Descendant family support
  • Step-by-step instruction to help individuals understand and navigate the estate settlement process

When an individual loses a loved one, funeral homes address the following needs:

  • Spiritual support
  • Emotional support
  • Physical support
  • Mental support


Cyrus Life Planning helps funeral home owners develop a unified, comprehensive approach to guiding individuals on their journey to healing. Combining guidance and support services allows you to better serve your clients and improve your bottom line.

Cyrus Life Insurance
Cyrus Business Solutions
Cyrus Real Estate
Cyrus Life Planning