Our Companies

Cyrus Business

Wonder how your company stacks up against industry competitors? Need better data on your company to make important decisions and align your team? Working harder but not seeing the desired results? Cyrus Business Solutions is here to help you:



  • Discover which issues are holding you back
  • Quickly develop tactical solutions to help you reach your goals
  • Achieve measurable results at an affordable price

Discover the full potential Value of your business

Why Cyrus
Business Solutions?

  • Best methodology
  • Best analysis
  • Best results (average company grows by 27%)
  • Full service
  • ROI-based (companies average a tenfold return on investment)

Cyrus Business Solutions Gives You
the MOST VALUE Through:

Quick & Affordable Solutions

  • Free initial evaluation
  • 15-minute assessment
  • Comprehensive, actionable report

Deep Dive Analysis

  • 60-90-minute second-tier assessment
  • Value gap analysis
  • Benchmarking, KPIs, etc.
  • Solutions designed to create increased value over time

We Measure 18 Drivers of
Operational Performance

Cyrus Life Insurance
Cyrus Business Solutions
Cyrus Real Estate
Cyrus Life Planning